

Abscess drainage

Technique that allows the fluids accumulated inside the abscess to escape.

Acrylic prosthesis

These are removable prostheses with artificial teeth, consisting of an acrylic structure which rests on the teeth that still exist, and/or on the soft tissues


This is a set of symptoms and infections in human beings resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


Metal alloy consisting of silver, tin, mercury and other metals.


This is a substance with the capacity to interact with micro-bodies that cause infections.

Antibiotic prophylaxis

This is the prevention of the development of an infection by the administration of antibiotics.


This is a biological characteristic that precedes moments of fear, danger or tension, characterised by bodily sensations, such as a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, a racing heart, nervousness, tightness in the chest, perspiration, etc.

Apical radiography, bite-wings

Method of diagnosis in which a radiographic plate is placed inside the mouth and allows dental tissues, bone, caries lesions, apical lesions, among others, to be clearly seen.


Extraction of the end portion of the root of a tooth through the gum and bone, while removing the lesion that affects the tip of the root (for example, a cyst).


Bacterial plaque

Sticky film made up of bacteria and sugars that is formed on the teeth.


This is a surgical procedure in which a sample of tissue or cells is taken for subsequent study in the laboratory.

Bone graft

This consists of replacing bone missing from a given zone of the jaw or jawbone.


Fixed prosthesis used to replace one or more missing teeth, resting on adjacent teeth. They are cemented definitively, functioning as natural teeth.



This is an infectious disease that destroys dental structures.

Composite or Composite Resin

Material consisting of an organic resin matrix with inorganic particles that resemble the colour of the tooth.

Complicated extraction

Surgical procedure in which a tooth is extracted due to anatomical abnormality. This is particularly the case with wisdom teeth or teeth that are so badly decayed that they fracture during extraction.


Fixed prosthesis that is cemented or adhered to existing teeth or implants to restore aesthetics and function to the oral cavity. It is an artificial covering of a tooth that has been partially or totally destroyed by decay. It may also be necessary to protect devitalised, fractured or heavily reconstructed teeth with crowns.


Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a collection of pus that involves the tissues surrounding the apical portion of a tooth.

Dental implan

This is a small titanium screw that is surgically positioned in the jawbone below the gum. It is well tolerated by the body and performs the function of a root.


Area of Dentistry that restores teeth.


Devitalisation is the removal of the dental pulp, and the cleaning and sealing of the root canals.


Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterised by increased blood glucose levels.


A person’s individual eating habits.


External bleaching

This consists of applying an oxidising agent to the teeth in order to whiten them without altering their basic structure.

Extraction of deciduous teeth

Extraction of “milk teeth”.

Extraction of unerupted teeth

Extraction of a tooth that is inside the gum and the bone.


Fissure sealant

Protective varnish that is placed on the surface of the teeth in order to prevent the appearance of carious lesions


Topical fluoride application is a method to prevent demineralisation and formation of tooth decay. In this technique, fluoride is administered through products such as topical gel, mouthwash and toothpaste.

Food impaction

This is caused by the absence of the contact point between adjacent teeth and the contour of the marginal ridges.


This is a surgical procedure intended to eliminate the labial or lingual frenum that affects tooth position or labial/lingual mobility.



This is the inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial plaque.


Surgical correction of the gum.



Refers to any inflammation of the liver. There are various causes of hepatitis, the best known being those caused by viruses (VHA, VHB, VHC, VHD), but it can be also be caused by intoxication with alcohol and other toxic substances and medicines.



It is any inflammatory process in which there is an infectious agent, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc.


Ceramic restoration made in the laboratory and then adhered to the tooth.

Internal Abscess

This is a collection of pus that involves the tissues surrounding the apical portion of a tooth.

Internal bleaching

Whitening of a devitalised tooth; the whitening product is placed inside the tooth.

Intraradicular posts

These are retention methods (small screws) that are used in badly destroyed teeth and that are placed in the root canal after it has been devitalised.


Local anaesthesia

This is based on the infiltration of anaesthetics in the vicinity of the area to be operated.


Placement of acrylic in a removable prosthesis that does not fit properly in order to readjust it


Mucosupported prosthesis with Ball/Locator System

These are prostheses fitted into a ball-shaped anchoring system that is screwed onto implants.

Multi Visit Pulpectomy

This consists of eliminating the nerve of teeth with more than one root.


Oral Cancer

Oral cancer includes malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity and pharynx.


X-ray taken with the plate placed on the outside of the mouth, using a rotating device (for orthopantomography) which allows all the teeth and bone structure to be clearly seen.


This is a disease that affects the bones. It is characterised by a decrease in the amount of bone mass, which results in hollow, thin and extremely sensitive bones that are more prone to fractures.


Parotitis (mumps)

This is a contagious infection that causes a painful swelling of the salivary glands.

Periapical Granuloma

This is a mass of granulation tissue located around the root apex.

Periodontal disease

This is the impairment of the supporting tissues of the teeth by the inflammatory process, which leads to the resorption of the bone that is around the roots of the teeth, unlike gingivitis in which there is no bone alteration as the inflammation only affects the gums.



Method of diagnosis that allows structures and tissues with differentiated properties to be distinguished through the use of X-rays.

Relaxation Drop

This is a device which aims to alleviate the pressure between the dental arches. It is generally used in patients who “clench” their teeth excessively (with bruxism) producing abnormal wear.


This may be provisional or definitive, according to the material used; it allows for the functional and often aesthetic rehabilitation of the tooth.

Root Smoothing

This aims to eliminate infiltrated cementum and to create a smooth, hard root surface.



Aims to remove bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surface. Depending on the location of the deposits subgingival instrumentation may be used.

Simple extraction

Surgical procedure in which a tooth is extracted without any complication, or rather, it does not require open surgery.

Single Visit Pulpectomy

This consists of eliminating the nerve of teeth with only one root.


This is the inflammation of the mucosa of the nose and peri-nasal sinuses (cavities situated near the nose). When a person catches a cold or suffers from allergies the peri-nasal sinuses become inflamed, interfering with the natural drainage of mucus, which becomes thick and infected, and may feel like a toothache.

Space maintainers

These are devices that are placed where an early lost deciduous tooth is missing, preventing the adjoining teeth from tending to tip, taking up the space of the permanent tooth.

Skeletal prosthesis

These are removable prostheses with artificial teeth, consisting of a cast metal structure which rests on the teeth that still exist.



X-ray taken with the radiographic plate outside the mouth and the face in profile.

Temporary acrylic crown

This is an artificial resin covering of a tooth, which is placed while the definitive crown is made.

Tooth sensitivity

Caused by the exposure of dentin to external stimuli: cold, hot, sweet.


Whitening tray

Soft acrylic mould adapted to the patient’s teeth, where the whitening gel is placed.